Ocushield for Work
Modern work doesn’t work without screens.
Whether you’re knuckling down at your desk, enjoying the ambience of a local café or working on the move, we’d bet you and your colleagues are using at least one digital device to keep working. And we’re all for it!

But with many adults spending as much as 10 hours a day looking at screens, the impact of blue light from digital devices could be having a significant impact on your eye’s, your sleep, and subsequently on your performance. Multiply that across a whole business and you’ve got a serious problem!
So how can you ensure that you, and your employees or colleagues, are getting the best sleep possible and looking after your eyes in this digital age?
Firstly, whatโs blue light?
Blue light is light in the visible spectrum of light which is known for its short wavelength and strength. It’s naturally present in sunlight, sending signals to our brain that we should be awake and alert during the day.
However, it’s also prevalent in the digital devices we spend so much time looking at and this can send our brain many mixed messages. For example, blue light overstimulates our eyes and inhibits our brain’s production of melatonin, the chemical which helps us sleep soundly.
This results in tired eyes, headaches, fatigue and a serious dip in productivity.

A better-rested, more productive workforce
The impact of blue light on our general wellbeing can’t be understated.
In fact, a recent study from RAND Europe found that sleep deprivation is costing the UK economy up to £40bn a year, with the US losing upwards of $400bn a year. Yikes!
Whether you’re an employee, freelancer, HR manager or business owner, the impact of blue light on your eyes, sleep and general wellbeing could be negatively affecting your productivity and those of the people around you. And let’s face it – those screens aren’t going anywhere anytime soon.
That’s why we’ve developed a range of MHRA medically-rated products which effectively block the most dangerous spectrums of blue light from digital devices, without discolouring or dulling the screens.
Ocushield screen protectors will help keep your workforce safe from blue light emissions, giving them the comfort and focus they need to do a great day’s work while enjoying a restful night’s sleep at the end of it.

About Ocushield
Developed by qualified optometrists, our screen protectors for smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktops effectively block harmful blue light emissions. And unlike apps and ‘night mode’ settings, Ocushield does this without discolouring your screen.
With all of that blue light being absorbed before it can reach your eyes, you’ll experience less discomfort while using digital devices and have a more restful night’s sleep at the end of each action-packed day.