Computer Glasses | Safeguarding yourself from digital eye strain

Computer Glasses | Safeguarding yourself from digital eye strain

Computer Glasses - How to safeguard

Anti blue light glasses are ideal if you're working in tech. When you use your computer for a long period of time, youโ€™ll likely experience symptoms attributed to digital eye strain. Such symptoms include eye strain, blurred vision, dry eyes, headaches, neck pain and more. They occur since the visual demands of computer work are higher when compared to other activities, leading to straining.

CVS may manifest as a result of various factors. If youโ€™re under 40, then it may be due to an inability of your eyes to remain focused for long. It could also be because your eyes have trouble repeatedly changing focus from the display to your keyboard over time. For those over 40, having issues with focusing on your screen may be due to the onset of presbyopia. This is the normal age-related blunting of near sight that accompanies the changes in your lens as you age.

How To React?

The first thing to do when experiencing repeated cases of CVS is to contact an eye specialist. A thorough eye exam will then be conducted to rule out vision problems or update your eyeglasses prescription. After all, even tiny inaccuracies in your lens can lead to CVS. However, if the eye exam reveals no issues yet you still experience symptoms of CVS regularly, look into computer glasses.

Why use computer glasses?

When working on a computer, the screen is usually positioned 20 to 26 inches away from your eyes. This is the intermediate zone of vision that lies between distance vision (such as when sightseeing) and near vision (when reading). Those under 40 who need prescription eyeglasses are usually given single vision lenses to correct their specific visual defects. Meanwhile, the shape of the lens inside the eyes automatically adjusts to allow for near vision and computer vision.

Unfortunately, that isnโ€™t the case with older adults who have presbyopia. They have a harder time reading or clearly seeing a smartphone or computer screen since presbyopia diminishes near vision. Bifocals which have two lens powers help preserve both distance and near vision in those with presbyopia. Sadly, the intermediate vision thatโ€™s needed for computer use often remains uncorrected by these bifocals. Trifocals and progressive lenses have helped remedy this situation but they arenโ€™t enough. Thatโ€™s because the intermediate zone in such lenses isnโ€™t large enough for comfortable computer work.

Computer glasses and Blurred Eyes

Computer glasses avoid all these issues as they are specifically meant for the intermediate vision needed for such work. As a result, they generally have approximately 60% of the magnifying power of reading glasses. That said, the optimal magnification still depends on how far you usually sit from the screen of your device. If you have astigmatism, your computer glasses should be able to correct it. Theyโ€™ll also ensure the optical center of each lens is directly in front of your pupils when using your computer. This is to limit any instances of unwanted blurring.

Thatโ€™s why your computer glasses should be customized to meet your specific needs. The end result is an optimum lens that provides a wide and clear field of vision when using a computer. You will be much more comfortable as there wonโ€™t be any need for straining or uncomfortable postures.

Lens for computer glasses

The lenses used in computer glasses come in different designs with the most basic computer glasses having single vision lenses. These have a lens power prescribed to give you the most comfort at the working distance of your preference. They reduce the amount of effort required to focus on your computer while allowing you a wide field of view.

Another lens design is occupational progressive lenses. Progressive lenses are those that gradually change the lens power from the upper half of the lens to the bottom. They, therefore, have different lens powers suitable for distance, intermediate and near vision. Occupational progressive lenses have a larger intermediate zone than regular ones. This allows them to provide a clear and wide field of vision at distances suitable for computer work. There are also occupational bifocal and trifocal lenses that have larger intermediate zones in the lenses for computer vision.

Itโ€™s important to keep in mind that these lenses are optimized solely for using a computer. They are not suitable for driving or other days to day tasks.

Tints and coatings for your computer glasses

It doesnโ€™t end at the lens of power and design. Different coatings can be applied to your lens to maximize your comfort. For instance, anti-reflective or anti-glare coatings can be applied to eliminate reflections on your lens that contribute to eye strain.

Tinted or photochromic lenses can protect your eyes from the blue light emitted from the screen of your computer.

How to acquire computer glasses

Avoid buying over the counter reading glasses as these will most likely not be suitable when using your computer. For the best result, find out the viewing distance you prefer when using a computer and consult eyewear professionals. Doing so will help you get an accurate eyeglasses prescription that will suit your individual needs.

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Current Version
October 21, 2020

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