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Blue Light Filters: 4 Ways To Help You Sleep Better

Blue light filters: We are currently in the digital age filled with smart devices like the smartphone, laptop and tablet. While these devices could be named the biggest inventions of the century, they come with benefits and drawbacks. The rise in their usage has been perceived by scientists to be tied to that of rising cases of insomnia.

Whilst not 100%, a number of studies have shown there is a strong link between blue light and sleep depravity. Despite the uncertainty of its impact, sleep is vital to the normal functioning of the body to chance. Discovering how blue light filters help you sleep better will assist you to understand the hullabaloo surrounding them.

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1. They Help Increase Melatonin Production

Scientists have termed the hormone melatonin the sleep tonic. Its production is perceived to signal the body of impending sleep. Exposure to blue light has been postulated to inhibit its production. While low levels of melatonin are beneficial, at night the suppression of melatonin is detrimental to people lacking sleep. Low melatonin levels equate to high alertness and is counteractive to the achievement of sleep.

When the use of smart devices is almost unavoidable at night, exposure to blue light before sleeping is almost impossible. But with the help of blue light filters, the effect of blue light at night is greatly reduced. Consequently, increasing the production of melatonin and chances of sleeping quickly and peacefully.

2. They Help Increase Orange Light

Blue light filters work to help you sleep better is they reduce the amount of blue light in smart devices. As a result, they substantially increase the intensity of orange light. While the blue light is counteractive to a good night sleep, the orange light is quite the opposite.

It has been shown that exposure to orange light stimulates drowsiness. While the cause of this isnโ€™t for certain, itโ€™s assumed by scientists this behavioural inclination dates back to early mankind. This was when sunset marked the end of the day and the beginning of sleep.

It is deduced the orange light which is dominant during the sunset triggered drowsiness in the early man. It is believed this trigger is still active until today. However, because of the saturation of blue light in smart devices, its effect is hampered. Luckily, with the help of a blue light filter, you can increase the impact of orange light by your device.

3. They Help Reduce Alertness

There is an internal clock in our bodies that stipulates the time for sleep and that of alertness. One of the criteria it prudently uses to guide it is its environment simply put, sunset or sunrise. Sunrise signals the body to wake up and be alert while sunset does the opposite. It triggers the body to begin the process of shutting down and sleeping.

Smartphones are overflowing with blue light. Not only do they disrupt the bodyโ€™s shutting down process, they also encourage alertness which is not good for sleep. Falling asleep will, therefore, be quite difficult with excessive exposure to blue light. By reducing blue light, you reduce your alertness and thatโ€™s how blue light filters work to help you sleep better.

4. They Help Prevent the Resetting of Your Body's Internal Clock

As it has been earlier stated, itโ€™s the bodyโ€™s internal clock thatโ€™s responsible for inducing sleep and alertness. Itโ€™s not clear how it guides itself but the idea is the body uses external environmental cues in the process. Again, this is where blue light and orange light come into play.

With human beings have extended exposure to blue light from smart devices, the body misses the essential environmental cues. Without this, the body doesnโ€™t prepare for sleep and is still stimulated. This leads to difficulty in getting shut-eye at your preferred time and also to fatigue at waking time.

When the body has difficulty to fall asleep and to wake up, it causes a state of body confusion. This essentially means that the body struggles to set pertinent body activities like sleep due to conflicting cues. All in all, this is a very uphill process which can be simplified by using a blue light filter.

How blue light filters work to help you sleep better is they prevent the upsetting of natural body patterns. By reducing the effect of the blue light on the eyes, the process to begin the sleep cycle can be continue unhindered.


Blue light emitted by our numerous devices is being linked to the rising cases of insomnia. While a solution would be abstinence of smart device usage at night, this solution is considered by most people too extreme and absurd. And in this day and age, no one can blame them. Luckily, a solution has been developed that not only reduces the likelihood of insomnia but also allows you to comfortably use a smart device at night.

The solution is a blue light filter. With it, you will not have to turn to the drastic measure of forgoing your smart device at night or miss out on a good nightโ€™s sleep. A comprehensive look at how blue light filters help you sleep better proves that you can have the best of both worlds. At Ocushield, you will be offered a wide array of blue filters to choose from which will serve this purpose beautifully.

How we reviewed this article:

Ocushield has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations.

Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available.

Current Version
September 30, 2020

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